Monday, February 25, 2008

#3- Toward The Future/From The Past

1. After writing my play, I feel that it was succesful. Some things I found frustrating was having to italicized the actions every single time. It got rather annoying because I had alot things that needed to be italicized in almost every other line. A limitation about the form that frustrated me was that it was hard to express what the character was feeling because you could only describe what they were doing in the play for the audience. Some pleasant suprises that I saw in writing a play was that I could go more in detail when describing the scene/set of the play. An unpleasant suprise that I encountered in writing my play was that I kept letting myself go on writing about how the character was feeling and how they were related to somebody when i relaized that that didn't need to be included in the play. Since the audience couldnt see for example that two people were cousins and went to the same school together when they were younger. I kept writing things like that in my scenes and would have to erase it and somehow let the characters act it out another way. I don't feel I would ever be extremely interested in writing a movie or a screenplay because I am not the most creative person.

2. If I ever needed to give advice to a kid who was 10 years old I would most likely give them advice about my experiences and for sure what type of things to look out for and prevent in high school and middle school. Based on my own experiences, I would advice the 10 year old to travel to different parts of the world so that they can experience different types of cultures and learn about other traditions, etc. When I went to South America for hte first time I was introduced to a whole new culture and it has really open me up to understand what it's like in a whole different place compared to here. Regarding school, I would advice the 10 year old kid to do all their homework and not skip classes all the time. I would also inform him that if you don't try hard in high school, then it will be hard to get into colleges and stuff. It is much easier if you just try hard in school so that choosing a college won't be stressfull or anything. Lastly, I would advice the kid to stay out of trouble in school!

3. I think that there are many things that cause great literary works to live forever. The idea of people being inspired is one thing that I feel allows people to continue to like different works for along time. A story, such as Huckleberry Finn, lets readers feel inspired to have courage and strengh just as Huckleberry developed throughtout the book. Themes in stories also make a story great and therefore people like being able to look forward to reading a book that portrays a specific theme that they enjoy. I don't think that I could ever in my entire life see myself writing a play, book, or movie because I don't feel as is I am that creative.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

#2- Luigi Pirandello, playwright

1.) Theme is important in what we write because it is similar to having a main level. Without a theme a writer has nothing to go by and can't make numerous connections. A theme brings out the exciting side of the story. Also, I think that a great piece of literature does need to express and idea because without an idea in literature it doesnt give any expressions or emotions. One example of a book I have read that i feel expresses a great theme is the book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. My opinion on this is that Huckleberry, a young boy, expresses the theme os bravery. Huckleberry shows readers what bravery is when he helps a runaway slave get to freedom. Many things get in their way but they seem to overcome what we thought isnt possible. If this book did not portray the theme of bravery, it would be somewhat boring because Huckleyberry's bravery led to great adventures which is what really makes up the book as a whole.

2.) One theme that I would consider communicating through my play would be finding you identity. I really think that this theme would be easy to express throughout my play. I feel that the theme, finding your identity, is similar to my life because when I came to Valley View in ninth grade I was still trying to find my identity. Through meeting new people and being at Edina for four years now I feel that I have now found my identity. This theme is important to me because I think that in many stories, most characters are always trying to find out who they are because there are many conflicts in their way that hasnt allowed them to succeed in finding their identity.

3.) One conflict that I could express in my play is self vs. self. I feel that this would be a good conflict to write about because you could really go on and on about a person and their struggles. Throughout my play I would help my character reach their goal of understanding themselves and recognizing who they are. After many conflicts and distractions this character would be able to find out who they are because they would be caught in a situation where there identity is revealed.

Friday, February 1, 2008

#1- I am a Thinker, and I Think Thinks

1.) Reading is so crucial to writers because it can be inspiring for many writers. Reading teaches all writers about different cultures and experiences. when writers read different and diverse stories like that, they are triggered to begin writing new stories and or poems that express how they had felt or how they were affected by what they read. For example, stories about war and certain types of adventure started somewhere. The ideas on adventures didnt just originate from mid air. The main role of reading to writers is that it gives writers a sense of meaning and understanding.

2.) One thing that I have really seen in the world that concerns me is the poverty that has been going on for so long in all different parts of the world. This observation on the world really concerns me because as much as people all around the world try to help in stoping poverty, it still continues to happen places. I am worried that poverty everywhere will never end because it is hard to help every single person in the world that needs food, shelter, or even a doctor.

3.) One movie that has inspired me is Pearl Harbor. I really enjoyed this movie because it allowed me to understand what happened on that day. i was inspired by how people reacted during this tragic event. There were many heros like Josh Hartnett and Ben Affleck. They inspired me to have confidence in myself if im ever in a situation as bad as that. Furthermore, this movie inspires me to help the people who are fighting in the war right now because people here don't really udnerstand what it's like fighting in a war. War movies really emphasize what is going on during wars, how people react, and the emotional feelings that soliders must go through just to help/support their country.